CDOS 2023 Year in Review

Year in Review 2023 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 31 Sandhurst Diocese Reports parish life. In 2023, these included: Pentecost (27 May) Celebrating Pentecost has become a tradition of SYM. On 27 May SYM hosted an evening gathering for youth at Our Lady’s Church in Wangaratta South. Festivities commenced with a Mass celebrated by Fr Rob Galea with music from Gen Bryant and the GB Team. Mass was followed by a barbeque, and storytelling and music around a campfire. Ablaze Festival (6 and 7 June) In June, SYM supported Catholic Education Sandhurst’s Ablaze Festival which brings music and prayer to students in Catholic schools. In 2023 it was held at the Albury Entertainment Centre and featured Fr Rob Galea and his band. On 6 June over 700 students from ten Catholic Primary Schools in the North East Deanery joined the fun, followed by students from Catholic Secondary Schools on 7 June. Youth Pathways 2024 In October, SYM published its annual “Youth Pathways” booklet. This handy A5-sized guide is gifted to every Catholic Year 12 student in the Diocese and can be downloaded from the Diocesan website. Youth Pathways is designed as a reference tool, specifically for young adults who are about to leave their school communities in pursuit of work, study, or both. For many, this will mean leaving, not only the support of their schools, but also their family, parish and hometown communities as they venture out into the wider world in pursuit of opportunities. Youth Ministry Reference Group In 2022, Ruth Lawlor, Coordinator of SYM and Dr Chris Cotter, Director of Mission and Pastoral Life, began the process of forming a Youth Ministry Reference Group. The purpose of the Reference Group is to provide support and advice to the Office for Mission and Pastoral Life and the Bishop of Sandhurst in the visioning, development, planning, implementation, and review of ministry with young people today. The SYM Reference Group was established in late October 2023 and members were officially appointed for an initial two-year term by Bishop Shane Mackinlay. The members are Fr Nathan Verallo (Wangaratta and Sandhurst Vocations’ Director), Ms Georgia Gordon (CES Ltd Representative), Fr Jackson Saunders (Shepparton), Ms Jasmine De Lai (Mooroopna), Mr Mason Crosier (Mooroopna), Ms Hannah Gundry (St Kilian’s Bendigo), Mr Miggy Podosky (St Kilian’s Bendigo), Ms Michaela Brooks (Numurkah), Mr Brendan Lindsay (Shepparton), with Dr Chris Cotter as Executive Officer and Mrs Leslie Cooper providing administrative support. The inaugural meeting was held in a hybrid mode (online and in person) on 15 November and Michaela Brooks was elected as Chair. Farewell to Ruth Lawlor In late September, the Diocese farewelled Ruth Lawlor from the Sandhurst Youth Ministry Coordinator role, a position she had held for over five years. The Diocese benefitted from Ruth’s dedication to and passion for youth ministry, her theological knowledge and creative flair. Ruth’s legacy in Sandhurst is a strong tradition of local youth events and a well-connected network of young people who will build on the history and traditions of SYM.