CDOS 2023 Year in Review

34 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2023 CatholicCare Victoria is here to build thriving communities. A thriving community is one where people live with dignity, choice and empowerment; a place where individuals are connected, and wellbeing is nurtured; where everyone can live life to the full. However, thousands of Victorian families, young people, children and individuals are doing it tough, with many experiencing poverty and disadvantage. Homelessness, family breakdown, mental illness and financial disadvantage are just some of the barriers preventing Victorians from achieving their potential – and these issues have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. A thriving community is a place where our values of respect, inclusivity, compassion, integrity and collaboration are embodied, each and every day, to bring out the best in others. CatholicCare Victoria’s Vision. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus who came to bring life to the full for all humanity. Ours is a vision of thriving, inclusive communities where people, as created in the image of God, experience their unique dignity in a compassionate and just society. CatholicCare Victoria’s Mission. We seek to reflect God’s love for each person by enabling transformational, personal and social impact in partnership with individuals, families and communities. We bring excellence in care, compassion and hope. Paul’s story Paul* is an 8-year-old boy who was placed in Residential Care with CatholicCare Victoria (CCV) in June 2022. Paul presented with significant challenges as he was accustomed to very aggressive and violent externalised behaviours, in response to repeated relational trauma. Paul started his time with CCV in a ‘high-alert’ state, never being sure how safe he was, or how wanted he was. Our CCV team enrolled Paul in school. Initially Paul attended school for one hour per day, by the time the school year had ended he was attending school for the whole day and had even won an award for his improved behaviours. CatholicCare Victoria’s Therapeutic Practitioner and a departmental Case Manager started working together to explore Kinship Care options for Paul, because all Paul ever wanted was a safe and happy home. In September 2022, Paul’s 22-year-old second cousin, Jenny*, was identified. We worked with Jenny to teach her how to manage Paul’s tantrums, how to establish routine at bedtime, provide healthy food options, celebrate literacy and art, and how to have fun play time with an 8-year-old boy. Jenny* began attending the residential home to build her connection with Paul. It was not long before she took a lead in caring for him and responding to his needs. Eventually our team was able to allow Paul to visit Jenny in the community to spend time together alone. From there, he was allowed to have an overnight stay. Jenny has consistently demonstrated a keen desire to make a long-term commitment to care for Paul and the pair will be formally united as a family. This is an excellent outcome for Paul, to transition from outof-home care to live with another family member. *Pseudonym used to protect the privacy of families and individuals we work with. A look into the past year ... Parish Administration Conference at the Chancery. In October, CatholicCare Victoria was delighted to present on our program of offerings at the Sandhurst Parish Administration CatholicCare VICTORIA From