CDOS 2023 Year in Review

40 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst Year in Review 2023 Christine Sebire (also attendee at College of Consultors) Christine says she is blessed to be developing a strong and everevolving faith manifested by her family upbringing, Catholic education, twenty years working as a teacher in Catholic Education and ten years working as a Pastoral Associate at St Mary’s, Echuca. Christine is a member of the Echuca Parish Sacramental Team, Parish Justice Team, the Laudato Si’ Team, and the Parish Women’s Group. She is also a member of Education Sandhurst’s Catholic Identity and Learning and Teaching Committee. Christine holds a Master of Religious Education and aims to keep abreast of current themes in the Church via Encyclicals, Catholic writers, academics and initiatives such as Divine Renovation. Christine is passionate about the Church and believes that for it to grow, we must not only open the doors of our churches but go out to meet people and embrace new ways of being Church, actively living our faith through justice and compassion and, thereby, encouraging others to join us. Kate Fogarty Bishop’s Appointment Kate commenced work as the Executive Director of Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd in January 2024. Kate was recently the Principal of Assumption College Kilmore, served as Principal of St Joseph’s College Echuca from 2008 to 2014 and Director of Catholic Identity at Catholic College Bendigo (now Catherine McAuley College) from 2006-2008. Kate holds postgraduate qualifications in Education, Educational Leadership and Arts, and Theology. Kate has a clear understanding of the challenges and the opportunities of regional life in a constantly changing social and educational landscape. Kate is very clear about the strength of her association with the Diocese: “Sandhurst is where I truly grew into myself as an educational leader, and it is where I was both inspired and formed into a deeper level of authentically Catholic educational leadership. I am profoundly humbled to be charged with the responsibility of building on the legacy of those who have gone before, while simultaneously walking alongside, in a new way, those who carry the flame today.” Jean-Marie Mupenda Bishop’s Appointment Coordinator, Pastoral Wellbeing Leader and Behaviour Support Leader. He has current experience in leadership roles inside and outside of professional and ministerial work. These roles include Youth Ministry Leader, and service with Outreach Teams and Advisory Council with and for Stronger Youth. At St Kilian’s Parish, Miggy serves as Lead Altar Server, a member of the Parish Pastoral Council, and Music Ministry—Young Adults Team. Miggy has also held various leadership positions throughout his sporting career, highlighted by captaining the Philippines Men’s National Cricket Team in 2023.