CDOS 2023 Year in Review

Year in Review 2023 Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst 7 Our Organisation • Bishop’s Office • Safeguarding • Communications • Caritas Australia • Catholic Charismatic Renewal • Catholic Education Sandhurst Ltd • Catholic Mission • CatholicCare Victoria • Clergy Life and Ministry • Council of Priests • Diocesan Archives • Diocesan Consultors • Diocesan Development Fund • Diocesan Finance Council • Diocesan Social Justice Committee • Diocesan Vocations Ministry • Mission and Pastoral Life • Priests’ Retirement Foundation • RCIA Forum • Roman Catholic Trusts Corporation for the Diocese of Sandhurst • Sandhurst Clergy Health and Wellbeing • Sandhurst Mission and Pastoral Council • Sandhurst Publications • Sandhurst Youth Ministry Ministries of the Church