Praying with Pope Francis for Our Common Home

25 Families God of Love, bless families where we learn how to show love and respect for life, the proper use of things, order and cleanliness, respect for the local ecosystem and care for all creatures. Bless the family where we learn to ask without demanding, to say “thank you” to express gratitude for what we have been given, to control our aggression and greed, and to ask forgiveness when we have caused harm. Bless the family, where simple gestures of heartfelt courtesy help to create a culture of shared life and respect for our surroundings. Amen. Based on Pope Francis’, “On Care for Our Common Home,” Laudato Si, paragraph 213 God of A ll Th at is Good, Faithful and True, remind us that we need one another, and that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good and decent are worth it. Amen. Based on Pope Francis’, “On Care for Our Common Home,” Laudato Si, paragraph 229 God of Tender Care, love, over flo wing with small gestures of mutual care, makes itself felt in every action that seeks to build a better world. May we never lose sight of the importance of little everyday gestures. Amen. Based on Pope Francis’, “On Care for Our Common Home,” Laudato Si, paragraph 231