Praying with Pope Francis for Our Common Home

Our Common Home 28 God of History, may we grow in an ecological spirituality grounded in the convictions of our Christian faith, for the teachings of the Gospel have direct consequences for our way of thinking, feeling and living. May such a spirituality motivate us to a more passionate concern for the protection of our world. May we grow in a spirituality that inspires, encourages, motivates, nourishes and gives meaning to our individual and communal activities. Amen. Based on Pope Francis’, “On Care for Our Common Home,” Laudato Si, paragraph 216 God of Mountains, Deserts and Oceans, external deserts in the world are growing, because the internal deserts have become so vast. Call us to profound interior conversion, an “ecological conversion”, so that th e eff ects of our encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in our relationships with the world around us. Amen. Based on Pope Francis’, “On Care for Our Common Home,” Laudato Si, paragraph 217 God Who Calls, may we fully live our vocation to be protectors of your handiwork, for this is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience; it is essential to a life of virtue. Amen. Based on Pope Francis’, “On Care for Our Common Home,” Laudato Si, paragraph 217 God of All, the universe unfolds in you and yo u fi ll it completely. Th ere is a mystical meaning to be found in a leaf, in a mountain trail, in a dewdrop, in a poor person’s face. May we discover you within the depths of our souls and in all things. Amen. Based on Pope Francis’, “On Care for Our Common Home,” Laudato Si, paragraph 223