Praying with Pope Francis for Our Common Home

Our Common Home 32 God of Joy and Peace, a constan t flo od of new consumer goods can ba ffle o ur hearts and prevent us from cherishing each thing and each moment. Let us take up the ancient lesson that “less is more.” Show us the way to be serenely present to each reality, however small. Open us to much greater horizon of understanding and personal fu lfi lment. May we grow in a Christian spirituality marked by moderation and the capacity to be happy with little. May we rediscover the simplicity which allows us to stop and appreciate small things; to be grateful for the opportunities life gives us; and to be spiritually detached from what we possess. May we not give in to sadness for what we lack. Amen. Based on Pope Francis’, “On Care for Our Common Home,” Laudato Si, paragraph 222 God of Peace, may we cultivate a balanced life, at peace with ourselves. May we grow in our capacity for wonder. May w e fin d a deeper understanding of life. Amen. Based on Pope Francis’, “On Care for Our Common Home,” Laudato Si, paragraph 225