Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst
Year in Review 2016
CDOS - Income
CDOS - Expenses
Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst
Financial year in review for year ended June 30, 2016
Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst
CDOS - Income
Interest & Investment Income - ($3.5M)
Levies - ($0.2M)
Rental Income - ($0.4M)
Other Income - ($2.6M)
Donations - ($0.6)
CDOS - Expenses
Employment Costs - ($1.3M)
Insurances - ($0.2M)
Other Operating Expenses - ($1.6M)
Repairs & minor capital - ($0.1M)
Contracted Services - ($0.3M)
Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst
CDOS - Income
Interest & Investment Income - ($3.5M)
Levies - ($0.2M)
Rental Income - ($0.4M)
Other Income - ($2.6M)
Donations - ($0.6)
CDOS - Expenses
Employment Costs - ($1.3M)
Insurances - ($0.2M)
Other Operating Expenses - ($1.6M)
Repairs & minor capital - ($0.1M)
Contracted Services - ($0.3M)