Year in Review 2016
Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst
ope Francis’ vision and writing for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy inspired key
themes for Adult Faith Education in the Sandhurst Diocese during 2016.
Among the highlights were International Helder Camara Series presentations, co-sponsored by
the Melbourne Archdiocese and Sandhurst Catholic Education Office, and ‘The Merciful God
of the Prophets’ talks by Fr Brian Boyle in centres across the Diocese. “Ministry formation
opportunities, a day with Fr Bill Attard”, (Essendon Parish Priest and Catholic Theological
College lecturer) for Parish Visitation and Grief and Loss Ministries. Retreat days,
Adult Faith Education articles and Advent and Lent leaflets for prayer and reflection also
focused on ‘Mercy’ and ‘Works of Mercy’ expressed in faith, life and community ministry.
Another group of Graduate Certificate in Theology students successfully completed four
units taught by Catholic Theological College within the Sandhurst Diocese. In September, the
‘Journey of Christ’ pilgrimage to the Holy Land, a life-changing experience for many, was
led by Fr Junjun Amaya (St Patrick’s Parish, Kerang) and Kevin Lawlor (Sandhurst CEO).
A series of parish pastoral resources based on paragraphs from Pope Francis’ writings now
include books for the Pope’s writings for the Year of Mercy, the
Joy of the Gospel
) and
On Care for Our Common Home
Laudato Si
), Chapter 4 of
The Joy of Love
Amoris Laetitia
) and prayer book based on ‘The Joy of Love” scheduled for publication in
2017. The 2016
Pathways for Young Adults
booklets, produced in a collaboration between
Adult Faith Education and Sandhurst Youth Ministry, were sent out to parishes and, with
Catholic Education Office support, to school leavers of Catholic colleges across the Diocese.
This resource is also available for free download from the Sandhurst Diocese website and
Youth Ministry pages.
Recognising the urgency of Pope Francis’ plea
On Care for Our Common Home
, Sandhurst Adult Faith Education ministry workshops, based on the Pope’s Encyclical, have
been presented in parishes across the Diocese. This work continues in 2017.
Another ongoing initiative involves enhanced networking with many of the groups and
networks actively offering various forms of Faith Education to members residing in our
Diocese. Representatives of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, RCIA Forum, Sandhurst
Pastoral Associates and the Catholic Education Office, participated in initial meetings with
contacts for diocesan groups such as the Catholic Women’s League, Teams for married
couples, MenAlive, the Legion of Mary and Catholic Charismatic Renewal to share insights;
‘Towards our shared Vision of Evangelisation in the Sandhurst Diocese.” Bishop Les
Tomlinson was a keynote presenter at a Sandhurst Diocese Retreat Day in May, ‘Psalms
of Mercy’, to which members of these groups and people from across the Diocese were