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Year in Review 2016

Catholic Diocese of Sandhurst


the sun shone through the

clouds and seemed to glisten

straight onto the altar.

Not only did this occur, but

the sun shone out onto the

altar at these two specific-




Mass, during the offertory

procession and when we

all were receiving Holy

Communion, arguably the

two most spiritual times

that occur during a Mass.

If I had any doubts about

God then, they were quickly

diminished. It was truly such

an amazing experience.

A n o t h e r

. .

r e w a r d i n g

experience that I had will

certainly play a huge role in

how I live my life from this

moment onwards.

During a catechesis session

with Cardinal Dolan (the

Cardinal of New York), the question was asked, “I find it easy to show others mercy, I find it easy to

receive mercy, but I cannot find it within me to give myself mercy for sins I have committed or things

I have done to others.” The way Cardinal Dolan answered this question blew my mind! I mean this

is such a hard question to comprehend. His answer though was so simple. He said, “Do you believe

that God will forgive you no matter how bad your sin is?” The kid answered “Yes”. Cardinal Dolan

continued by saying, “Good, now do you think that you are better than God?” The kid answered,

“Absolutely not”. “Perfect”’ replied Cardinal Dolan, “Then there’s the answer to your question; if God

is willing to forgive you for absolutely anything that you offer up to him, then you forgiving yourself

and showing yourself mercy should be easy. The greatest Lord shows you how to forgive yourself every

day, you just have to look at the mysterious ways in which he operates.”

This answer opened up a whole new world for me, honestly. These experiences don’t just happen every

day. This is something that is truly special and something that will guide me in a direction that will be

of benefit to the people around me as well as myself. It was at this time where I first felt the urge to be

confirmed more than anything. To be confirmed in a life of showing mercy to others and to myself.

This urge to be confirmed would be answered by a great man named Father Nicholas Pearce only 2

days later. I didn’t even hint at the idea of being confirmed but, before I could, Padre already sensed

that this was on my mind and captured the idea that to do something this special on World Youth Day

would just be a life-changing experience.

That one bridging hand given by Father Nicholas Pearce, I will always be thankful for. It gave me the

opportunity to do something that I thought I was never really going to get the opportunity to do. Not

only did he give me this opportunity, but he gave me the opportunity to do my sacraments in the

middle of Europe, in the midst of what was one of the most amazing experiences I will have in my


I did my first confession just prior to the vigil with 2.5 million people, I received my First Holy

Communion at the Final Mass which was celebrated by the Pope and, best of all, I got confirmed in

a beautiful small church in the middle of the Polish mountains with 350 loving, caring and amazing

people right behind me the whole way.

It means so much to be not only a part of something like this, but be the centre of it and I think a lot of

the credit needs to be given to Bishop Mark Edwards (Bishop of Melbourne) for confirming me and of

course to one of the most influential people I have ever met, Father Nicholas Pearce.

Overall, the journey that we 2.5 million pilgrims took was more than just eye-opening; it has quite

seriously changed my life. The life that I lead from this journey onwards will be one that is quite

different from the one I led before. I never thought you could get this much out of pilgrimage and I

am ever thankful to each and every person who helped make it a trip that will stick with me forever!