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Shepparton Catholic, Jobelle Collier, 30, has fulfilled a childhood dream of competing in The Amazing Race Australia with her father, Rani Alegre. Seminarian Jackson Saunders…
On International Women’s Day, Caritas Australia joins development and aid organisations all over the world in demonstrating support for gender equality and celebrating the achievements…
Monday, 15 March 2021 15:40

National consultation of Catholic Women

The Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry is hosting a national consultation of Catholic Women. This online event provides the opportunity for Catholic Women…
On 21 January Catholic Women’s League members came from all over the state to celebrate 90 years of the Catholic Women's League in Shepparton.  Since…
Monday, 15 March 2021 15:06

Caritas Virtual Immersion in Wangaratta

This year, Caritas has been offering an exciting new component to Project Compassion: Virtual Immersions - the chance to interact online with Caritas international program…
Monday, 15 March 2021 14:22

Restoration – A Labour of Faith

Wunghnu local, Alf Seiter, says  God's guiding hand helped him restore a damaged crucific which fitted so perfectly in the grotto he made thirty years…
Yarrawonga’s Emily Crossland, 24, is volunteering as a member of the Perth Youth Mission Team and hopes her conversion story will inspire others. Jackson Saunders…
Thursday, 04 March 2021 21:04

Sandhurst Chrism Mass 2021

Tuesday 30 March at 11.00 a.m. at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Bendigo The Chrism Mass or Mass of the Oils is one of the principal annual celebrations…
Jesuit Communications Australia (Jescom) has launched the 2021 Young Voices Awards, offering students  the chance to advocate on issues of importance to them. The Young…
Thursday, 04 March 2021 19:07

Vale Fr Frank Hart 

Fr Francis James Hart passed away on Sunday 3 January 2021 at Simpkin House, Bendigo in the 52nd year of his priesthood. "Fr Frank Hart…
Thursday 18 March 6.00 p.m.'Building Harmony A Community Approach' is the topic of Guest Speaker, Jeremy Jones AM.  Jeremey believes that different expressions of creativity can…
Thursday, 04 March 2021 02:54

Project Compassion Immersions - Meet Olivia

Technology has opened up a world of possibilities for parishes and schools to connect with the development programs that Project Compassion makes possible. This year,…
Catholic Health Australia has welcomed an independent panel’s findings that hospitals or aged-care facilities should not be forced into participating in an assisted suicide regime…
Catholic Social Services Australia is among a number of faith-based groups that, along with unions, have expressed deep concerns over proposed changes to the Fair…
Thursday, 04 March 2021 01:34

RCIA, a Spiritual Journey and Welcome

Thirteen Catechumens and five Candidates recently celebrated the Rite of Election with with their Godparents, Sponsors and Bishop Shane Mackinlay at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Bendigo.…
Thursday, 04 March 2021 01:28

Daughter of Eaglehawk now a Dame

Pope Francis has appointed Eaglehawk born and raised Catherine McGrath (nee Reed) as a Dame of the Order of St Gregory the Great, in recognition…
Thursday, 04 March 2021 01:24

The View from Home

Seventh-year seminarian, Jackson Saunders, reflects on the season of Lent and sport. "Lent is a journey of hope where amidst the darkness the spotlight in…
Instrumentum laboris,the working document for the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia provides a catalyst for the Church to renew the journey of prayer and discernment…
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