The Priests Retirement Foundation of the Diocese of Sandhurst (PRF) has been operating for 21 years and has supported many Sandhurst priests throughout their retirement. Now, as approved by the Australian Taxation Office, the Foundation can not only support retired priests, but also priests living with illness.
As the end of the financial year approaches, you might like to consider making a tax donation to the PRF as a means of assisting Sandhurst priests who have retired or are too unwell to serve.
Any donations over $2.00 made to the PRF are tax deductible. Please make sure to include your name and address so a taxation receipt can be forwarded to you.
To make a donation:
Send a cheque
Please make cheque payable to ‘Priests Retirement Foundation of the Diocese of Sandhurst’
Please post or deliver to: PRF C/- Fr Andrew Fewings at St Therese’s Parish 25 Albion Street, Kennington, Vic 3550,
Cash donations can be delivered to Fr Andrew Fewings at St Therese’s Parish, 25 Albion Street, Kennington.
or to the Chancery 172-174 McCrae Street Bendigo (ask for Debbie).
By Electronic Transfer
BSB 083-543
Account No. 13-833-7378
Account Name: Priests Retirement Foundation of the Diocese of Sandhurst
Reference: Please use your full name
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to advise of the transfer and provide your address for receipt.