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Friday, 02 February 2024 00:38

Chrism Mass celebrating 150 years of communion as a Diocese

The Chrism Mass will be celebrated on Holy Tuesday (26 March 2024) just four days shy of the 150th anniversary of the Diocese of Sandhurst's establishment on 30 March 1874. 

On any given year the Chrism Mass is an important diocesan event. This year, as we commemorate 150-years since the Diocese was established, the Chrism Mass will be even more significant. 

Also known as the Mass of the Holy Oils, the Chrism Mass is essential to the sacramental life of the local Church.  During the Chrism Mass representatives from all forty parishes of the Diocese will bring oils to the altar. Bishop Shane will then bless the oil of catechumens and the oil of the sick; and consecrate the oil of holy chrism.  Representatives from every parish will then take these three holy oils back to their parish to be used in sacraments throughout the year.   This year, to mark the occasion, every Parish of the Diocese will be presented with a cruet to carry the  the Chrism Oil back to their home Churches.  This cruet will feature the Paderborn Cross and note the anniversary dates of the Diocese of Sandhurst, 1874-2024.

The Chrism Mass, is a celebration of the entire Sandhurst Community.  It gathers priests, professed religious and laity from every parish of the Diocese to be witness to Christ and, with Bishop Shane, unite as one people of God.  During the Mass, clergy of the Diocese will renew their priestly vows, professed religious sisters and brothers will renew their vows, and lay people will resolve to live out their baptism, taking on missionary responsibility of worship, witness and works in their families, communities, and society.  

Deeply symbolic, the Chrism Mass provides a rare opportunity to gather with people from all parishes of the Diocese in worship. Participation in this Mass is a wonderful way to join in the Diocesan 150th anniversary celebrations and it is hoped that it will be well-attended..  

After Mass, there will be refreshments so that Clergy, Religious and Laity alike can enjoy each others' company.  It is hoped the day will bring an opportunity to, not only worship as one people of God, but to also catch up with old friends, and share stories and ideas as one people of Sandhurst. 

To learn more about the Chrism Mass click on the links to Sandpiper e-News stories below: 

The Mass of the Holy Oils during Holy Week by Dr Paul Taylor

Sandhurst Gathers for Chrism Mass 2021 (Featuring a photo gallery) 


Below are  photographs of the Chrism Mass in 2023 

Chrism Mass 2023 2

Chrism Mas 2023 1

Chrism 4