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Thursday, 18 July 2024 22:05

Evangelise: A Synodal Way Summit

Dr Chris Cotter and Leslie Cooper from the diocesan office for Mission and Pastoral Life recently gathered with other representatives of diocesan bishops and organisations at a summit hosted by the Bishops' Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry (BCELM).

The Summit, called, ‘Evangelise: A Synodal Way’ focused on the BCELM’s statement, Evangelisation: Encounter, Discipleship, Mission and encouraged synodal dialogue through spiritual conversation about Church structure and support for evangelisation and strategies for evangelisation in the world today. Leslie Cooper shares more about the Summit


By Leslie Cooper

I recently had the pleasure of attending the ‘Evangelise: A Synodal Way ‘Summit in Sydney. The summit was attended by representatives from 28 dioceses and nine organisations and networks throughout Australia, including 15 Bishops, Priests and Deacons, 26 lay women and 28 lay men.

The strong focus on Encounter, Discipleship and Mission was powerful and inspiring. The table activities and discussions revolved around a variety of topics, such as Spiritual conversations, Charisms, and Extra-Ecclesia Evangelisation with breakout sessions on Sports Ministry, Catechists, Digital technology and Ageing demographics and Youth.

Final Thoughts:
This was my first Summit representing the Diocese, although I have attended numerous similar events in the corporate world. I found the experience to be both empowering and enlightening. It was empowering because all the participants were committed to strengthening and expanding our Parishes. It was remarkable to witness 28 Dioceses coming together to focus on the same objective and for me to recognise that the Sandhurst Diocese is making significant strides compared to our peers. The experience was also enlightening as it made me realise the importance of inviting the Holy Spirit into every aspect of my work and allowing the Holy Spirit to offer guidance.