Making a pilgrimage of the heart by consistently praying each day can be a life-changing experience, writes Geoff Gowdie.
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop wrote, ‘Remember, we are but pilgrims here.’
No doubt she wrote and said it more than once to remind her Sisters of this profound truth in life. Understanding, accepting and living by this truth makes all the difference to how we live.
Doing a physical pilgrimage, a journey to a holy place, helps us re-encounter and bring this truth to our minds. But a physical pilgrimage only bears real fruit when we allow it to trigger an internal spiritual pilgrimage, a journey of our hearts towards God.
The Jubilee Prayer can help us make a pilgrimage of the heart even if we are not doing a special physical journey. How?
Pray the Jubilee Prayer bearing the following in mind:
Every set prayer is a window or a doorway, meant to lead us to the reality within and beyond the words – in that space, Jesus is waiting for us.
There is a message for each of us, personally and specifically, every time we let the words of the prayer lead us through to that place of encounter with him.
The message isn’t necessarily in the whole prayer, but more likely through particular words or phrases that the Holy Spirit uses to connect with each of us in our lives as they are right now.
Explore those words or phrases that are making a connection with you.
Ask: ‘What are you saying to me? What do you want me to see? What do you want me to do?’
Every time you pray the prayer, something else, something more, something deeper will emerge for you. Sit with it. Let the Holy Spirit lead you.
When we open ourselves, our hearts, to the heart of Jesus who is present, we are making a pilgrimage of the heart. It will change us and our lives — that is the purpose of all pilgrimages.
Many know about the Camino in northern Spain where people walk for days, weeks or even months, searching for new meaning and perspective in their lives. It can be a great life-changing experience.
What is often not realised is that making a pilgrimage of the heart in prayer here at home each day, even for a short time, over days, weeks and months, will also be a life-changing experience.
Geoff Gowdie
Assistant Director, Mission and Pastoral Life, Diocese of Sandhurst