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Thursday, 13 March 2025 18:12

Serving Pancakes and Serving Others – "Onya Yarrawonga!"

Sacred Heart Primary School in Yarrawonga has kicked off their Project Compassion style with an early morning start, gathering students, teachers and families together, writes Meegan McInnes. 

By Meegan McInnes

As the sun rose on 4 March at Sacred Heart Primary Yarrawonga there was a smell in the air of sausages, coffee and, most importantly, pancakes.

As a school community we had decided to combine Shrove Tuesday and our annual Meet and Greet gathering where parents are encouraged to come to school and meet their child’s teacher and other families. With a new principal, Jarrod Mullavey, and many new families this morning proved to be very popular with everyone.

From 7.30 a.m. parents, children and other members of our community gathered in the quad to eat the tantalising pancakes prepared by staff, and the sausage sizzle generously cooked by the Tungamah Lions Club. It was a fabulous gathering with many, many families feasting on breakfast and having a walk through their child’s learning space.

Our Year 6 Mercy Justice Leaders and helpers shook the Project Compassion boxes starting our fundraising efforts for the 2025 Lenten Campaign.

Thanks to the generosity of our local Woolworths, Tungamah Lions Club, Yarrawonga Health and the staff of Sacred Heart Primary School. We are also very appreciative of the families that were able to join us.

Meegan McInnes is a teacher at Sacred Heart Primary School, Cobram.
