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Tuesday, 25 August 2020 03:19

Social Justice Statement Released

  To Live Life to the Full: Mental health In Australia Today  In a decades-long tradition, the Catholic Bishops of Australia speak out together on a major…
Carmine Miranda, State Chairman of the Knights of the Southern Cross is disappointed the Annual Archbishop’s Dinner scheduled for 21 August 2020 did not proceed…
The Catholic Earthcare community invites you to join them to welcome the Season of Creation at Convocation. Online throughout September, Convocation is a significant event…
Tuesday, 25 August 2020 01:11

Vinnies Launches Strategic Plan

The National Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society has launched a strategic plan which lays out a blueprint for the next three years…
Tuesday, 11 August 2020 23:07

Fr Andrew Fewings' 40th Jubilee

This Saturday, Fr Andrew Fewings celebrates forty years of priesthood.  Ordained on 15 August in 1980 at Sacred Heart Cathedral,  Fr Andrew is one of the few priests…
Tuesday, 11 August 2020 22:03

Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop

 8 August was the Feast Day of Saint Mary of the Cross. Well-planned festivities to celebrate her Feast Day in the tenth year since her canonisation on…
As COVID-19 continues to impact parts of Australia, millions of people around the world are also dealing with the impacts of the virus. Many of…
Tuesday, 11 August 2020 14:45

Lebanon Disaster Response

Caritas Australia stands in solidarity with the people of Beirut and the Lebanese community here in Australia at this time of enormous heartbreak and loss.…
Tuesday, 11 August 2020 13:56

"The Journey is My Destination"

Adonis Peña reflects on two years as a Sandhurst seminarian.The end of July marked significant milestones for third-year Sandhurst seminarian Adonis Peña. He celebrated another…
Tuesday, 11 August 2020 13:36

Mary MacKillop an Icon

Diane Corro discusses the icon and the woman"There is so much about Mary MacKillop that inspired me to want to make an icon of her"  says Josephite…
Tuesday, 28 July 2020 01:41

COVID-19 Prayer for Victoria

We trust Victorians will remain resilient, as we struggle through a second-wave of hte COVID-19 pandemic. We offer a prayer written by Daniel Giles, 'COVID-19…
Having considered the advice of the Consultors, Bishop Shane has accepted an application from Ezekiel Hangan to become a seminarian for the Diocese of Sandhurst. Ezekiel is currently a third-year student at…
Much loved Josephite, Sr Catherine Anne Dean passed away on Thursday 23 July, at St Vincent’s Hospital ICU after several months of ill health. Sr…
In 2020 Project Compassion morphed into the COVID-19 APPEAL.  As could be expected, overall donations were down compared to the year before. Nevertheless, the people…
Grants of up to $20,000 are now available to not-for-profit organisations throughout rural, regional and remote Australia to support projects that improve and strengthen the…
Thursday, 23 July 2020 12:27

Disability and Theology

Why are people with disability, illness or injury considered a special group of people, when we all experience human limitations? Daniel Giles reflects on this…
Mrs Mary Pianta has been appointed to the role of Disability Contact Coordinator, on a voluntary basis. Mary will liaise with parishes to identify the…
After seven very busy months meeting clergy, parishioners and board members in parishes and schools across the Diocese, Bishop Shane has commissioned a formal review…
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